books by author

The Animals Issue: Moral Theory in Practice

Daily Times Tables Teasers for Ages 5-7 (Daily Brainteasers)

50 Maths Lessons for Less Able Learners Ages 5-7

Maths Problem Solving Ages 5-7 (Creative Activities For...)

Times Tables Workbook for children Ages 5-7 with free online practice test (National Curriculum Times Tables): 1

Human Knowledge and Human Nature: A New Introduction to an Ancient Debate

F40 - Fitness on Forty Minutes a Week

Handa's Surprise Teacher Resource (Read & Respond)

The Herb Grower's Guide (Observer's Guides)

Evaluation for Village Water Supply Planning

Russian Front 1941-45 (Cassell Military)

Ages 5-7 (50 Literacy Lessons for Less Able Learners)


The Economics of Irrigation

People Called Cumbri

Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis (Cambridge Texts in Chemistry and Biochemistry)

The Media at War: Communication and Conflict in the Twentieth Century

Children′s Mathematics: Making Marks, Making Meaning

The Media at War

First on Call for Urology

Activities for Including Children with Behavioural Difficulties (Special Needs in the Primary Years)

Some Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis (Cambridge Texts in Chemistry and Biochemistry)

Some Modern Methods of Organic Synthesis (Cambridge Texts in Chemistry and Biochemistry)

The Book of Memory: A Study Of Memory In Medieval Culture (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature)

The Craft of Thought: Meditation, Rhetoric, and the Making of Images, 400-1200: 34 (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, Series Number 34)

Maximising Manhood: Beating the male menopause

The Testosterone Revolution

Economy/Society: Markets, Meanings, and Social Structure (Sociology for a New Century Series)

Life Stories for Ages 9-11 (Writing Guides)