books by author


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The Moth: Occasional Magic: 50 True Stories of Defying the Impossible

By Moth, The, Burns, Catherine

It Shouldn't Happen To A Frog: And Other Stories (Flying Carpets S.)

By Storr, Catherine

Just for Kids French Activity Pack (Berlitz Just for Kids S.)

By Bruzzone, Catherine

Moses of the Bullrushes (People of the Bible S.)

By Storr, Catherine, Russell, Jim

PM Non Fiction Animal Facts Level 23&24 Polar Animals Mixed Pack X6 Silver: Antarctic Seals PM Non Fiction Animal Facts Level 23&24 Polar Animals Silver

By Parker, Alan, Catherine

Could Do Better: School Reports of the Great and the Good

By Hurley, Catherine

Play Gently, Alfie Bear! (Alfie Bear S.)

By Walters, Catherine

Narrative Mortality: Death, Closure, and New Wave Cinemas

By Russell, Catherine

Girls Think of Everything: Stories of Ingenious Inventions by Women

By Thimmesh, Catherine, Sweet, Melissa

DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: St Petersburg

By Rice, Melanie, Christopher, Phillips, Catherine

Passion's Baby (Mills & Boon Modern)

By Spencer, Catherine

May-August 2013 (Day by Day with God: Rooting Women's Lives in the Bible)

By Butcher, Catherine

Marvel Spider-Man Pocket Guide: World Book Day 2023

By Saunders, Catherine


By Newbery, Linda, Rayner, Catherine

Selected Works (Collector's Choice S.)

By Gaskin, Catherine

Le Roman D'Alia

By Hermary-Vieille, Catherine

Le Grand Vizir de la nuit

By Hermary-Vieille, Catherine

Histoire-Geographie 5e Grand Format: Programme 2010

By Aeschlimann, Maria, collectif, El Kaaouachi, Hayat, Faure, Jeremy, Fellahi, Armelle, Hérisse, Nicolas, Lemonnier, Yannick, LORRENTE, Raphaelle, Moisan, Stéphane, Monnet-Chaloin, Pascale, Pidutti, Catherine, Sarcel, Guillaume, Vadrot, Fabienne, Vogel, C...

Histoire-Géographie Education civique 3e éd. 2012 - Manuel de l'élève (format compact): Manuel élève

By Mougenet, Patrick, Müller, David, Olive, Vincent, Pasqualini, Patrice, Ruhlmann, Jean, Vautier, Stéphane, Bourel, Guillaume, Bras, Catherine, Fremont, Antoine, Guillausseau, Axelle, Lacombrade, Philippe, Marchand, Laurence, Martinetti, Françoise, Joffr...

Picking on Percy

By MacPhail, Catherine, Donnelly, Karen

Employee Engagement in Theory and Practice

By Truss, Catherine, Alfes, Kerstin, Delbridge, Rick, Shantz, Amanda

The Legend of the Three Trees

By McCafferty, Catherine, TLC Entertainment

Colin the Coastguard: Rocky Saves Solo

By Shaw, Catherine, Goodwin, Steve

Hodder Mathematics Intermediate 2 Textbook 2ed (Hodder GCSE Mathematics)

By Cowey, Diana, Faulkner, Dave, Wood, Christine, Berry, Catherine, Bryden, Pat, Spencer, John, Thomas, Julian

Chambers Words for Crosswords and Wordgames

By Schwarz, Catherine

Legal Systems & Skills

By Slorach, Scott, Embley, Judith, Goodchild, Peter, Shephard, Catherine

Simeon And Anna See Jesus: Born to be King 3 (Board Books Born to be King)

By Mackenzie, Catherine

Chambers Thesaurus

By Schwarz, Catherine

Chambers Mini Thesaurus

By Schwarz, Catherine

Word Puzzles Spanish-English

By Bruzzone, Catherine, Croxon, Rachel, Millar, Louise, Comfort, Dix, Steph