books by author

Billy and the Big New School

Social work, domestic violence and child protection: Challenging practice

30 Maths Games


Managing Change in Primary Care (Business Side of General Practice S.)

My Family Tree Book (First Record Book) (First Record Book S.)

Pen Pals: A Friendship in French and English

French Fun (Language Activity Books)

Animals/Les Animaux (Bilingual First Books)

French Role Play for GCSE (Upgrade)

MRCS System Modules: Essential Revision Notes: Set 2 & 3

The Literacy Link: No. 9 (Young Pathfinder S.)


Colour in Spanish (Colour in series)

Essential Revision Notes for Intercollegiate MRCS: Bk. 1


Vegetable Heaven: Sensational Seasonal Vegetable Recipes

Twilight: Director's Notebook: The Story of How We Made the Movie

Word Puzzles French-English

The Illustrators: The British Art of Illustration 1800-2010

The Bully (High Interest Teenage Series)

Hacker (High Interest Teenage Series)

Juvie (High Interest Teenage Series)

Foul Shot (High Interest Teenage Series)

African Tears: The Zimbabwe Land Invasions

Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre 5e - élève

Alter Ego +: Livre de l'eleve + CD-ROM A1 + Parcours digital

L'atelier Loom : Bracelets, colliers et autres accessoires, 25 modèles expliqués en pas à pas

Mon cahier d'écriture PETITES LETTRES dès 5 ans