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Billy and the Big New School

By Anholt, Laurence, Anholt, Catherine

Social work, domestic violence and child protection: Challenging practice

By Humphreys, Catherine

30 Maths Games

By Connolly, Catherine


By Buckle, Catherine

Managing Change in Primary Care (Business Side of General Practice S.)

By Bracewell, Catherine, Gray, Rosaire

My Family Tree Book (First Record Book) (First Record Book S.)

By Bruzzone, Catherine, Church, Caroline Jayne

Pen Pals: A Friendship in French and English

By Morton, Lone, Bruzzone, Catherine, Hughes, Jane

French Fun (Language Activity Books)

By Bruzzone, Catherine, Morton, Lone, Comfort, Louise

Animals/Les Animaux (Bilingual First Books)

By Bruzzone, Catherine, Beaton, Clare

French Role Play for GCSE (Upgrade)

By Gibson, Catherine

MRCS System Modules: Essential Revision Notes: Set 2 & 3

By Parchment-Smith, Catherine, Hernon, C.

The Literacy Link: No. 9 (Young Pathfinder S.)

By Cheater, Catherine, Farren, Anne


By Morpurgo, Michael, Carey, Joanna, Rayner, Catherine

Colour in Spanish (Colour in series)

By Bruzzone, Catherine

Essential Revision Notes for Intercollegiate MRCS: Bk. 1

By Andrews, S., Parchment-Smith, Catherine, Chalmers, R.


By Brown, Catherine, Cadell, Sophie, Jardine, Fiona, Terrell, Peter, Crehan, Freda

Vegetable Heaven: Sensational Seasonal Vegetable Recipes

By Mason, Catherine

Twilight: Director's Notebook: The Story of How We Made the Movie

By Hardwicke, Catherine, Catherine Hardwicke

Word Puzzles French-English

By Bruzzone, Catherine, Croxon, Rachel, Millar, Louise, Comfort, Louise, Dix, Steph

The Illustrators: The British Art of Illustration 1800-2010

By Wootton, David, Andrews, Catherine, Nickerson, Fiona, Wootton, David

The Bully (High Interest Teenage Series)

By Brown, Liz, Kropp, Paul, Doherty, Catherine, Corrigan, Robert

Hacker (High Interest Teenage Series)

By Kropp, Alex, Kropp, Paul, Doherty, Catherine, Corrigan, Robert

Juvie (High Interest Teenage Series)

By Kropp, Paul, Kropp, Paul, Doherty, Catherine, Corrigan, Robert

Foul Shot (High Interest Teenage Series)

By Kropp, Paul, Kropp, Paul, Doherty, Catherine

African Tears: The Zimbabwe Land Invasions

By Buckle, Catherine

Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre 5e - élève

By Malsan, Catherine, Tetrel, Julie, THEBAULT, Pierre-Olivier, Besnard, Patricia, Chermette, Marie-José, Desormes, Herve, Grouffal, Stephan, JALABERT, Sylvie, Herve, Marie-Claude

Alter Ego +: Livre de l'eleve + CD-ROM A1 + Parcours digital

By Berthet, Annie, Hugot, Catherine, Daill, Ennanuelle

L'atelier Loom : Bracelets, colliers et autres accessoires, 25 modèles expliqués en pas à pas

By McCann, John, Thomas, Becky, Bricout, Catherine

Mon cahier d'écriture PETITES LETTRES dès 5 ans

By Gauduel, Catherine

Anthologie De La Litterature: Xie - Xvie Siecles: Volume 1, XI-XVIème siècle

By Buschaert, Catherine