books by author
CBE DSc FRAS Sir Patrick

New Guide to the Planets

Exploring the Moon and Earth

The Starry Sky

P Moore's Story Of Earth

The Star of Bethlehem

Patrick Moore on the Moon

The Guinness Book of Astronomy Facts and Feats

The Guinness Book of Astronomy

Philip's Stargazer Pack

Bang! The Complete History of the Universe

Space Travel for the Under Tens

Patrick Moore's Passion for Astronomy

The Planets (Starry Sky S.)

The 1994 Yearbook Of Astronomy

2000 Yearbook of Astronomy

Observer's Book of Astronomy (Observer's Pocket S.)

Eureka: An Essay on the Material and Spiritual Universe (Hesperus Classics)

Legends of the Stars

Return of Halley's Comet

Mission to the Planets

Brilliant Stars

Astronomy (Teach Yourself)

Philip's Guide to the Night Sky

Halley's Comet Pop-up Book

Astronomer's Stars

Astronomy for GCSE

The Sky at Night: v. 8 (A PSL paperback)

The Sky at Night: v. 9

Challenge of the Stars