books by author
Charles Dickens
The Life & Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby
Edwin Drood

Great Expectations (Broadview literary texts) (Broadview Editions)

Quentin Blake's A Christmas Carol

Scrooge: A Christmas Carol
Dealings with the Firms of Dombey and Son

Boots at the Holly Tree Inn (Livewire Classics)
Oliver Twist
A Tale of Two Cities
A Christmas Carol

A Christmas Carol (Everyman's Library CHILDREN'S CLASSICS)

Ghost Stories (Collector's Library)

The Chimes (Hesperus Classics)

Poems: Charles Dickens
Christmas stories
the old curiosity shop
A tale of two cities
Christmas Carol

Bleak House
Oliver Twist
The Adventures of Oliver Twist
Christmas Carol

Oliver Twist (Classics)
David Copperfield