books by author

Charles L.

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Study Guide (Human Physiology: Foundations and Frontiers)

By Vernon, A., Schauf, Charles L., etc.

Feedback Control Systems

By Phillips, Charles L., Harbor, Royce D.

BASIC Programming for Chemists: An Introduction

By Jurs, Peter C., Isenhour, Thomas L., Wilkins, Charles L.

The End of Order: Versailles, 1919

By Mee, Charles L.

Electronic Engineering

By Alley, Charles L., Atwood, Kenneth W.

Fitness of the Cosmos for Life: Biochemistry and Fine-Tuning: 2 (Cambridge Astrobiology, Series Number 2)

By Barrow, John D., Morris, Simon Conway, Freeland, Stephen J., Harper Jr, Charles L.

Celtic Myths and Legends

By Squire, Charles L.

Study Guide (Human Physiology)

By Schauff, Charles L., Moffett, David F., Stacia B.

Hints on Household Taste: The Classic Handbook of Victorian Interior Decoration (Dover Architecture)

By Eastlake, Charles L.

Ethics and Liberation: An Introduction

By Kammer, Charles L.

Wizards, Aliens, and Starships: Physics and Math in Fantasy and Science Fiction

By Adler, Charles L.

Biosensing: International Research and Development

By Schultz, Jerome, Mrksich, Milan, Bhatia, Sangeeta N., Brady, David J., Ricco, Antionio J., Walt, David R., Wilkins, Charles L.

Feedback Control Systems

By Phillips, Charles L., Harbor, Royce D.

Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days (Sams Teach Yourself)

By LeMay, Laura, Perkins, Charles L.

Health Psychology: Challenging the Biomedical Model

By Sheridan, Charles L., Radmacher, Sally A.

Darwin's Legacy: Nobel Conference XVIII

By Nobel Conference 1982 (Gustavus Adolphus College), Hamrum, Charles L., Gould, Stephen Jay

Celtic Myths and Legends (A Newcastle mythology book)

By Squire, Charles L.


By Alley, Charles L., Atwood, Kenneth W.

Politics and Economics of Public Spending

By Schultze, Charles L.

Celtic Myths and Legends

By Squire, Charles L.

Marshall Plan

By Mee Jr., Charles L.

Class and Hierarchy: Social Meaning of Occupations (Edinburgh Studies in Culture & Society)

By Coxon, Anthony P. M., Jones, Charles L.

Solving Least Squares Problems (Prentice-Hall Series in Automatic Computation)

By Lawson, Charles L., Hanson, Richard J.

Feedback Control Systems (Prentice Hall international editions)

By Phillips, Charles L., Harbor, Royce D.