books by author

The White Ship: Conquest, Anarchy and the Wrecking of Henry I’s Dream

Cambridge Lower Secondary Complete English 8: Student Book (Second Edition)

OCR GCSE English Language: Teacher Companion

Cambridge Lower Secondary Complete English 7: Workbook (Second Edition)

Cambridge Lower Secondary Complete English 7: Student Book (Second Edition)

Lonely Planet New Zealand (Travel Guide)

Choosing Life, Choosing Death: The Tyranny of Autonomy in Medical Ethics and Law

David Copperfield (COMPACT EDITIONS)

The Last Supper

British Pullman Trains: A tribute to all Britain's steam, diesel and electric Pullman services

Short Course in Soil-Structure Engineering of Deep Foundations, Excavations and Tunnels: 5 (Short Course Series)

The Mystery of Edwin Drood (Penguin Classics)

Little Dorrit (Nonesuch Dickens)

Christmas Books (Nonesuch Dickens)

The Christmas Books: A Christmas Carol; The Chimes; The Cricket on the Hearth (Penguin Popular Classics)

The Auld Scots Dictionary: A Dictionary of Lowland Scots

Water Babies (Penguin Popular Classics Paperback)

Everyman Poetry: Baudelaire (PHOENIX HARDBACK POETRY)

Florentine Renaissance Sculpture

A Home in the Snow

Woodcarving for Beginners

Changing the Seen and Shaping the Unseen

Introduction to Reliability and Maintainability Engineering

Chemistry: A Life Science Approach

Edward Lear the Landscape Artist: Tours of Ireland and the English Lakes, 1835 and 1836

Bertha and the Windmills (Bertha stories)

The Flowers of Evil (Oxford World's Classics)

Paris Spleen (New Directions Paperbook): 1869: 294

The Reckoning: The Murder Of Christopher Marlowe