books by author

British Canals: An Illustrated History

Cruel Habitations

Origin of Species

Without a Trace

On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures

Genesis (LifeBuilder Bible Study)

American Notes: Revised Edition (Penguin Classics)

Hard Times, For These Times

Sword and Spirit: Christianity in a Divided World


Ionic Organic Mechanisms: An Introduction (Dimensions of Science S.)

Lost Empires: Ancient Aztec and Maya

David Copperfield (Oxford World's Classics)

Research Objectives in British Archaeology

All Day Saturday And Other Poems

The Growth of Nationalism: Germany and Italy 1815-1939 (Revised Higher Grade History S.)

The Rise Of The Nazis (New Perspectives)

Plain Tales from the Raj: Images of British India in the Twentieth Century

The Buddha and the Sahibs: The Men Who Discovered India's Lost Religion

Why?: Reflections on the Loss of a Loved One

Neurosurgery (Rob & Smith's Operative Surgery Series)

General Principles, Breast and Extracranial Endocrines (Rob & Smith's Operative Surgery S.)

Alimentary Tract and Abdominal Wall (Pt.1) (Rob & Smith's Operative Surgery)

Differentiation (Core Books in Advanced Mathematics)

Psychology for AS Level Workbook

Integration (Core Books in Advanced Mathematics)

Target Score Teacher's Book: A Communicative Course For Toeic® Test Preparation

Dare to Journey with Henri Nouwen

On the Origin of Species: The Science Classic (Capstone Classics)