books by author
Chris Cook

Pears Cyclopaedia 1998-1999 (Encyclopedia)

The Slump: Britain in the Great Depression

Pears Cyclopaedia: 2005-2006

European Political Facts, 1900-96

Pears' Cyclopaedia 2017-2018

Decade of Disillusion: British Politics in the Sixties

Politics of Reappraisal, 1918-39

The 'Guardian'-Quartet election guide

Short History of the Liberal Party, 1900-76
Modern British History

Dictionary of Historical Terms

Pears' Cyclopaedia: 2013-2014

Pears Cyclopaedia 1980-1981

Post-War Britain: A Political History (Pelican S.)
Defeated by Brexit

pears cyclopaedia 1993-94

Pears Cyclopaedia 1984-1985

Pears Cyclopaedia 1995-1996

The Radiology Survival Guide: For Students and Junior Doctors

Pears Cyclopaedia 1988-1989

The Slump: Society and Politics During the Depression

Election '70: The Guardian/Panther Guide to the General Election

Pears Cyclopaedia 2002-2003

Pears Cyclopaedia 2001-2002