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Pocket Medical Dictionary

By Brooker BSc MSc RGN SCM RNT, Chris

Churchill Livingstone's Dictionary of Nursing

By Brooker BSc MSc RGN SCM RNT, Chris, Mullally, Sarah

Grey Cases for Paediatric Examinations (Paediatric revision)

By Field MBBS(Hons) DCH FRCPCH FRCP(Ed) DM, David J., Stroobant FRCP FRCPCH, John, Fenton MD H MRCP(UK), Alan C., Maconochie MB BS MRCP, Ian K., O'Callaghan, Chris

Bones and Joints: A Guide for Students

By Gunn, Chris

Pocket Paediatrics

By O'Callaghan, Chris, Stephenson DM FRCP FRCPCH, Terence, Chris O'Callaghan, Terence Stephenson DM FRCP FRCPCH

Multiple Choice Questions for Psychiatric Studies

By Freeman, Chris

Guidelines on Patient Care in Radiography

By Gunn, Chris, Tozer, C.S.

Corby Flood (Far-Flung Adventures)

By Riddell, Chris, Stewart, Paul

Hugo Pepper (Far-Flung Adventures, 2)

By Riddell, Chris, Stewart, Paul

Fergus Crane (Far-Flung Adventures)

By Stewart, Paul, Riddell, Chris


By D'Lacey, Chris

Fly, Cherokee, Fly

By D'Lacey, Chris, Chris D'Lacey

my story Battle Of Britain: Harry Woods, England 1939-1941

By Priestly, Chris, Priestley

All New 100 Literacy Hours - Year 6 (All New 100 Literacy Hours) (All New 100 Literacy Hours S.)

By Webster, Chris

All New 100 Literacy Hours - Year 4 (All New 100 Literacy Hours) (All New 100 Literacy Hours S.)

By Perry, Janet, Gamble, Nikki, Warren, Celia, Webster, Chris, Perry, Campbell W.

Creative Activities for Plot, Character & Setting Ages 5-7

By Goouch, Kathy, Grainger, Teresa, Lambirth, Andrew, Kelly, Chris

100 Literacy Homework Activities Year 4

By Webster, Chris

Storm Thief

By Wooding, Chris

100 Literacy Homework Activities Year 6

By Webster, Chris

Fire Star (Last Dragon Chronicles)

By D'Lacey, Chris

Icefire (Last Dragon Chronicles)

By D'Lacey, Chris

The Fire Within (the Last Dragon Chronicles #1) (Last Dragon Chronicles (Paperback))

By D'Lacey, Chris

100 Literacy Homework Activities for Year 6 (100 Literacy Homework Activities S.)

By Webster, Chris, Barclay, Adrian

100 Literacy Homework Activities for Year 5: Year 5 (100 Literacy Homework Activities S.)

By Webster, Chris, Barclay, Adrian

100 Literacy Homework Activities for Year 4 (100 Literacy Homework Activities S.)

By Webster, Chris, Barclay, Adrian

Ideas for Using Big Books (Ready to Go)

By Stephenson, Chris, Murray, Ian

Vocabulary; Term By Term Photocopiables 10-11 (Scholastic Literacy Skills S.)

By Colling, Claire, Green, Val, Holloway, Chris, Johnson, Sally

Vocabulary: Term by Term Photocopiables 9-10 (Scholastic Literacy Skills S.)

By Colling, Claire, Green, Val, Holloway, Chris, Johnson, Sally

Star Shared: Asha in the Attic Big Book (RED GIANT)

By Powling, Chris

Geography Matters 2 Higher: Higher 2

By Arber, Nicola, Blades, Heather, Owen, Lisa, Lomas, Sue, Nagle, Garrett, Ryan, Chris, Thompson, Linda, Thompson, Paul, Sanders, Roger, Bowden, Rob