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Strangers on the Shore AND Down into the Dark (Level 1 (Reading Age 6-7)) (Headwork Reading)

By Millum, Trevor, Culshaw, Chris

Headwork Reading: Non-fiction: Postcards from India

By Hill, Kay, Culshaw, Chris

Headwork Reading: Non-fiction: e-mails from Antartica

By Duncan, Rachel, Culshaw, Chris

Madman's Corner (Level 2 (Reading Age 7-8)) (Headwork Reading)

By Bennett, David, Culshaw, Chris

Field Guide to Mammals of Southern Africa (Field Guide To... (Struik Publishers))

By Stuart, Chris, Tilde

Hey Ya!: The Unauthorized Biography of Outkast

By Nickson, Chris

China at Work: A Labour Process Perspective on the Transformation of Work and Employment in China (Critical Perspectives on Work and Employment)

By Liu, Mingwei, Smith, Chris

What We Need to Do Now: For a Zero Carbon Future

By Goodall, Chris

Natural Wonders of the World: Foreword by Chris Packham

By DK, Packham, Chris, Smithsonian Institution

Dinosaurium: (Welcome To The Museum)

By Wormell, Chris

Kid Normal and the Shadow Machine: Kid Normal 3

By James, Greg, Smith, Chris, Salcedo, Erica

Success for School KS3 ICT Y8 teaching resources: Year 8 (Success for Schools S.)

By O'Byrne, Sean, Guy, Chris

Success For Schools KS3 ICT Y7 teaching resources: Year 7 (Success for Schools S.)

By O'Byrne, Sean, Guy, Chris

77 Talks for Cyberspace Kids

By John Robinson, Chesterton, Chris

Entrepreneurial Finance

By Hulme, Simon, Drew, Chris

Drawing Now: Eight Propositions

By Hoptman, Laura, Ofili, Chris, Ackermann, Franz, Crotty, Russell, Khedoori, Toba, Little, Lecturer in Politics Graham, Los Carpinteros, Nordstrum, Jockum, Pastor, Jennifer, Thorpe, David, Wright, Dr Richard, Currin, John, Manders, Mark, McGee, Barry, Me...

The Dragon Tattoo (Baker Street Mysteries)

By Tim Pigott-Smith, Pigott-Smith, Tim, Mould, Chris

The Rose of Africa (Baker Street Mysteries)

By Pigott-Smith, Tim, Mould, Chris

Homes (Themes for Early Years)

By Heald, Chris

Headwork Anthologies: Bk. 3

By Culshaw, Chris

Headwork: Bk.4

By Culshaw, Chris, Waters, Deborah

Headwork: Bk. 7

By Culshaw, Chris, etc., Craig, David

Headwork: Bk. 6

By Culshaw, Chris, etc., Craig, David

Headwork: Bk. 5

By Culshaw, Chris, etc., Craig, David

English Headwork: Bk. 1

By Culshaw, Chris, Waters, Deborah

Headwork: Bk. 8

By Culshaw, Chris, etc., Craig, David

ICT for Edexcel Applied AS single award (including CD ROM) (Information and Communication Technology for Edexcel Applied AS)

By Chris Guy, Sean O'Byrne, Guy, Chris, O'Byrne, Sean

Energy (21st Century Science)

By Oxlade, Chris

Understanding International Relations

By Brown, Chris

Teacher's Book for Levels 1, 2, 3 and 4 (Headwork reading)

By Culshaw, Chris