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The Apprentice C++ Programmer: A Touch of Class (Developments in Oncology)

By Lee, Peter, Phillips, Chris

The Best of "Books for Keeps": Highlights from the Leading Children's Book Magazine

By Powling, Chris

Les règles du leadership - Devenez le leader que vous souhaitez être: Devenir le leader que vous souhaitez être

By Widener, Chris

Tales of Terror from the Black Ship: Chris Priestley. Illustrated by David Roberts

By Priestley, Chris, Roberts, David

All Our Words

By Searle, Chris

L'art de glandouiller au bureau: Le manuel du parfait tire-au-flan

By Morran, Chris, Barets, Stan

Writing and Printing (Craft Topics)

By Oxlade, Chris

Faith and Modernity (Lynx/Regnum Studies in Evangelism, Mission & Development)

By Sugden, Chris, etc.

Martin Luther King Jr: The Life of a Civil Rights Leader (Graphic Biographies)

By Jeffrey, Gary, Forsey, Chris

John Major: Prime Minister

By The Press Association, Jenkin, John, Moncrieff, Chris

A Shrinking World?: Global Unevenness and Inequality (The Shape of the World: Explorations in Human Geography)

By Allen, John, Hamnett, Chris

Agent 21: Codebreaker: Book 3

By Chris Ryan, Ryan, Chris

Practical Guide to Teaching English within the National Curriculum (Practical Guides)

By Bill Laar, Liz Laycock, Lyn Watkins, Laar, Bill, Laycock, Liz, Watkins, Lyn, Willey, Lynne, Saunderson, Chris

The Rainbow Diet: And How it Can Help You Beat Cancer

By Woollams, Chris

Cradock on Shotguns

By Cradock, Chris

Thinking Through Science 3 Red Teacher's Book: Bk. 3

By Cheney, Arthur, Flavell, Howard, Harrison, Chris, Hurst, George, Yate, Carolyn

Supersheds: The Architecture of Long-Span Large-Volume Buildings (Butterworth Architecture new technology)

By Wilkinson, Chris

Eccentric Britain

By Hannigan, Des, Coe, Chris

Widening Participation: Which Way Forward for English Higher Education

By Duke, Chris, Layer, Geoff

The "First Stage" Guitar Book - Learn How to Play Guitar Easily & Quickly!

By Chris Lopez, Lopez, Chris

Jesus the Healer (People of the Bible S.)

By Catherine Storr, Storr, Catherine, Molan, Chris

131 Fun-Damental Facts for Catholic Kids: Liturgy, Litanies, Rituals, Rosaries, Symbols, Sacraments and Sacred Scripture (Fun Facts)

By Synder, Bernadette, Sharp, Chris

Investigating Grasslands, Hedges and Trees

By Green, Chris, Porter, Angela

Pearson REVISE BTEC National Applied Science Revision Guide: (with free online Revision Guide) for home learning, 2021 assessments and 2022 exams (REVISE BTEC Nationals in Applied Science)

By Brentnall, David, Fullick, Ann, Lees, Karlee, Meunier, Chris, Usher, Carol

Weather (Walkabout)

By Pluckrose, Henry, Fairclough, Chris

Canary Islands (Lonely Planet Regional Guides)

By Andrews, Sarah, Chris, O'Brien, Sally

Diggers (Usborne Machine Board Books)

By Young, Caroline, Lyon, Chris, Gower, Teri

Dracula's Daughter (Banana Books)

By Mary Hoffman, Chris Riddell, Hoffman, Mary, Riddell, Chris, Amstutz, A.

Facts of Life (Know Alls S.)

By Madsen, Chris

Diwali (Celebrations)

By Deshpande, Chris