books by author

The Impact of Digitalization in the Workplace: An Educational View: 21 (Professional and Practice-based Learning, 21)


Experience Jesus Today: Understanding the Gospel

The Town (First Discovery Series)

The Ill-Made Knight: ‘The master of historical fiction’ SUNDAY TIMES (Chivalry)

The Great British Railway Disaster

Le Guide de l'apprenti philosophe

Adeline en Périgord

Kindheitsforschung und kommunale Praxis: Praxisnahe Erkenntnisse aus der aktuellen Kindheitsforschung

Symmetry and Physical Properties of Crystals

The Ecosystem of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard: 2 (Advances in Polar Ecology, 2)

Money - The New Rules of the Game

Pricing Carbon: The European Union Emissions Trading Scheme

Handbook of Transdisciplinary Research

Soil and Culture

Wealth(s) and Subjective Well-Being: 76 (Social Indicators Research Series, 76)

Quantitative Traits Breeding for Multifunctional Grasslands and Turf

Bioenergetic Processes of Cyanobacteria: From Evolutionary Singularity to Ecological Diversity

The Impact of ICT on Quality of Working Life

Emerging Perspectives of Workplace Learning

Biobanks and Tissue Research: The Public, the Patient and the Regulation: 8 (The International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology, 8)

Coping with Demographic Change: A Comparative View on Education and Local Government in Germany and Poland: 19 (European Studies of Population, 19)

ECCOMAS Multidisciplinary Jubilee Symposium: New Computational Challenges in Materials, Structures, and Fluids: 14 (Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, 14)

North American Strategic Defense in the 21st Century:: Security and Sovereignty in an Uncertain World (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications)

International Handbook of Research in Professional and Practice-based Learning (Springer International Handbooks of Education)

Edible France: A Traveller's Guide

Les P'tites Poules et la cabane maléfique - tome 15 (15)

TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours (Uicc International Union Against Cancer)

Les P'Tites Poules, la Bete Et le Chevalier: 6