books by author

The Adventures of Tom Bombadil

Stories of the Spirit, Stories of the Heart

My Sister Shahrazad: Tales from the Arabian Nights

Handbook of Palliative Care 2e

Jumping to Conclusions

Voice Work: Art and Science in Changing Voices

Exploring European Identities (Europe: Culture and Identities in a Contested Continent S.)

Zlata's Diary: A Child's Life in Sarajevo

Home Comfort: A History of Domestic Arrangements:In Association with the National Trust

Dream Catcher: life on earth: A powerful & inspiring colouring book celebrating the beauty of nature

Easter (First Festivals S.)

Dealing with Difficult People (Essential Managers)

The Twelve Labours of Hercules

I Can Make Things for Christmas

Russian Painting of the Avant Garde

Goblin Market

New English File: Intermediate: Student's Book: Six-level general English course for adults: Student's Book Intermediate level

English File: Advanced: Student's Book with iTutor: The best way to get your students talking

Mental Maths Practice (Maths Plus)

Regulating Chemical Risks: European and Global Challenges

Miss Herbert: Suburban Wife (VMC)

Flowers for a Friend (Petites S.)

Rock-a-bye Baby / Rock-a-bye Puppy (Tadpoles Nursery Rhymes)

The Beauties And Furies (VMC)

The Puzzlehead Girl (VMC)

The Salzburg Tales (VMC)

Scarves, Ties, Collars and Belts (Design and Make)

New English File: Beginner: Student's Book: Six-level general English course for adults

JÄzyk angielski New English File Elementary podrÄcznik LO - Oxenden Clive,Seligson Paul [KSIÄĹťKA]