books by author

The Night of the Triffids

We That Are Left

Product Development Performance: Strategy, Organization and Management in World Auto Industry

Man Hunt (Cascades)

St. Joseph's Hospice, Hackney: A Century of Caring in the East End of London

Industrialism And Industrial Man (Pelican S.)

Watch Out!

Closing the Achievement Gap from an International Perspective: Transforming STEM for Effective Education

The Tories: Conservatives And The Nation State, 1922-1997: Conservatives and the Nation State, 1922-97

Perspectives on Environmental Impact Assessment: Proceedings of the Annual WHO Training Courses on Environmental Impact Assessment, Centre for ... University of Aberdeen, Scotland, 1980-1983

Warren Buffett's Management Secrets: Proven Tools for Personal and Business Success

Bioenergetic Medicine East and West: Study of Homoeopathy and Acupuncture

Sustaining Change In Universities (Srhe S)

Service Operations Management

Civilisation: A Personal View

The Political Animal: Biology, Ethics and Politics

Nature of the Beast: Are Animals Moral? (Oxford Paperbacks)

Kiss the Girls and Make Them Cry

We'll Meet Again

Loves Music, Loves To Dance: Mary Higgins Clark

An Aquinas Reader

Tina Tuff (Young Hippo Adventure S.)

Data Interpretation for the MRCP Part 2

Another Part of the Wood: A Self Portrait

Pocket Essentials of Paediatrics

Investigation and Management of Soft Rock Cliffs

World Prehistory: A New Outline

Freud:Man and Cause Dist. Weidenfeld\

Farewell to an Idea: Episodes from a History of Modernism