books by author
Clive Gifford

So You Think You Know James Bond

The Who's Who Of: World War II


So You Think You Know The Lord Of The Rings?

So You Think You Know The Lord Of The Rings?

Know Your Sport: Rugby

Active Reader Book 4 5-6 Pants Attack!: Bk.4(5-6) (Active Readers Series)


Inspirational Lives: Andy Murray


Watch This Space: Stars, Galaxies and the Milky Way


Discover Science: Robots

Fake News: True or False Quiz Book

Superphonics: Turquoise Storybook: Robot Roy

So You Think You Know Narnia

Atlas of Football

Active Reader Book 6 6-7 Who Ate The Trumps for Lunch? (Active Readers Series)

Rugby (Tell Me About Sport)
Ready Reference

The Colours of History: How Colours Shaped the World

Phonics 04: Stunt Duck

Purple Storybook: Witchipoo's School (Superphonics)

Ten Leaders Who Changed The World
The Physical Earth

Kick Off! A Football Puzzle Book: Quizzes, Crosswords, Stats and Facts to Tackle