books by author

William Shakespeare and his Dramatic Acts (Horribly Famous)

Essor: Teacher's Book

The Story of The Holocaust: The Story of the Holocaust

Australia: 1 (Unpacked)

South Africa (Unpacked)

France (Unpacked)


The Book of Comparisons: Sizing up the world around you

In Search of the Neanderthals: Solving the Puzzle of Human Origins

Defiant Earth: The Fate of Humans in the Anthropocene

Neanderthals and Modern Humans: An Ecological and Evolutionary Perspective: 38 (Cambridge Studies in Biological and Evolutionary Anthropology, Series Number 38)

At the Pillars of Hercules

Coldheart Canyon

So You're 40: A Handbook for the Newly Middle-aged

The Kingfisher Treasury Of Dinosaur Stories (The Kingfisher Treasury of Stories)

Expo 2 Rouge Resource and Assessment File

New English File Elementary: Teacher's Book: Elementary Teacher Book: Elementary level

Buying a Property in France: 2nd edition: An Insider Guide to Realising Your Dream (How to Books)

The Look Around You

You Can Save The Planet: 101 Ways You Can Make a Difference

Origami (Step-by-Step Children's Crafts)

Passing the ICT Skills Test (Achieving QTS Series)

Introducing Criminology
An Introduction to British Raptors


A Field Guide to the Birds of the Gambia and Senegal

PM Non Fiction Animal Facts level 20&21 Farm Animals Mixed Pack X6 Purple: Goats PM Non Fiction Animal Facts Level 20&21 Farm Animals Purple

PM Non Fiction Animal Facts level 20&21 Farm Animals Mixed Pack X6 Purple: Chickens PM Non Fiction Animal Facts Level 20&21 Farm Animals Purple

PM Non Fiction Animal Facts Level 14/15&16 Pets Mixed Pack X6 Orange: Budgies PM Non Fiction Amimal Facts Level 16 Pets Orange