books by author
The Prayers of the New Testament
Name Above All Names
A Pilgrim's Way: A Personal Spiritual Anthology
Paper Promises: Money, Debt and the New World Order
Prayers of the New Testament
Paul: Portrait of a Revolutionary (Hodder Christian paperbacks)
The Wisdom of the Prophets (The wisdom of... series)
On Preaching
The Catalyst: Book One in the heart-stopping Wars of Angels duology (The Wars of the Angels)
Paul: Portrait of a Revolutionary
Meet Paul (Triangle Special S.)
The People's Bible Commentary: Psalms 1 - 72
The People's Bible Commentary: Psalms
Cuthbert Bardsley: Bishop, Evangelist, Pastor
Game Query: The Mind-Stretching Economist Quiz
Paper Promises: Money, Debt and the New World Order
A New Day for Preaching: The Sacrement of the Word
Servant Son: Jesus Then and Now
Voice from the Cross: Seven Words of Jesus
Welcome Life!
Through the Day with Jesus
Revised English Bible (New Testament)
The Money Machine: How the City Works
The Money Machine: How the City Works
The Money Machine: How the City Works (3rd Edn) (Penguin Business Library)