books by author

Athenian Economy and Society: A Banking Perspective

What Is Dance?: Readings in Theory and Criticism (Galaxy Books)

Balance-of-payments Policy

Contract Bridge for Beginners

Reason To Write: Intermediate: Student Book: Strategies for Success in Academic Writing Reason to Write 2

Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences

Sent Before My Time: A Child Psychotherapist’s View of Life on a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (The Tavistock Clinic Series)

Profane Illumination: Walter Benjamin and the Paris of Surrealist Revolution: 5 (Weimar & Now: German Cultural Criticism)

The Spice-Box of Earth

Political Cycles and the Macroeconomy

House Officer: Becoming a Medical Specialist

Solal (Collection Folio): 1269

La boîte noire

The Truth About Delilah Blue

Treasury of Investment Wisdom

Voices of Bipolar Disorder: The Healing Companion: Stories for Courage, Comfort and Strength

Strategy Books 9787560019451 Genuine second language learning and use(Chinese Edition)

Interfaces between Second Language Acquisition and Language Testing Research (Cambridge Applied Linguistics)

Christmas in America

Greenery Street

From Apple to Zipper

Everyman's Talmud

Everyman's Talmud: The Major Teachings of the Rabbinic Sages

Parkin Economics:Study Guide

Medical Terminology 4e Im

The Birth of a New Physics

The Children of Willesden Lane: Mona Golabek, Lee Cohen

Rulers of Empire: French Colonial Services in Africa