books by author
Colin E.

Becoming and Being: The Doctrine of God in Charles Hartshorne and Karl Barth

The Cambridge Companion to Christian Doctrine (Cambridge Companions to Religion)

A Brief Theology of Revelation

The Christian Faith: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine

Commentary on the Lectionary: The Old Testament and Acts: Vol 1 (Commentary on the Lectionary: Theological Exegesis on Sunday's Texts)

Commentary on the Lectionary: Vol 2: Theological Exegesis on Sunday's Texts: Acts and the New Testament Epistles (Commentary on the Lectionary: Theological Exegesis on Sunday's Texts)

Commentary on the Lectionary: Vol 3: Theological Exegesis on Sunday's Texts (Commentary on the Lectionary: Theological Exegesis on Sunday's Texts)

The Actuality of Atonement: A Study of Metaphor, Rationality and the Christian Tradition

Enlightenment and Alienation: Essay Towards a Trinitarian Theology

Father, Son and Holy Spirit: Toward a Fully Trinitarian Theology: Essays Toward a Fully Trinitarian Theology

Protestant Theology in the Nineteenth Century

Dogmatics in Outline (SCM Classics)

AIDS: A Christian Handbook