books by author
Colin Shephard
The Making of the UK for Common Entrance and Key Stage 3 (History for Common Entrance)
OCR British Depth Study 1939-1975 (OCR Modular History)
Hein Hist: Using Hist Sources Pupl
Contrasts & Connections, Year 7: Discovering the Past (Schools History Project): Pupil's Book
The American West 1840-1895 The Struggle For The Plains.: Students Book (Discovering the Past for GCSE)
Re-discovering Medieval Realms: Britain 1066-1500 Pupil's Book: Students' Book (ReDiscovering the Past)
Re-discovering the Twentieth-Century World: A World Study after 1900: Students' Book (ReDiscovering the Past)
Re-discovering Britain 1750-1900 Pupil's Book: Students' Book (ReDiscovering the Past)