books by author
Colin West
go tell it to the toucan
two hoots

Adventures of Monty, the Dog Who Wears Glasses: "Monty, the Dog Who Wears Glasses", "Monty Bites Back", "Monty ... "Monty ... Bites Back", "Monty Must be Magic" (Jets)
I bought my love a tabby cat
fun in the jungle
go tell it to the toucan
Not me, said the monkey
Moose and Mouse
the king of Kennewick castle
two hoots

Marmaduke The Magic Cat (My First Read Alones)

Monty, the Dog Who Wears Glasses (Jets)
Moose and mouse

Two Hoots (Jets)

Buzz, Buzz, Buzz! Went Bumble-bee (Giggle Club)
Uncle-and-Auntie Pat

Helicopter Hare (My First Read Alones)
Have you seen the Crocodile?

The King of Kennelwick Castle

Hooray for Howard (Read Alone S.)

Xmonty 2 in 1 School Book Fair

A Crocodile's Teeth

It's Funny When You Look at it

One Day in the Jungle Little Funnies
Moose and Mouse

Granny's Jungle Garden (Rockets)

Toby and his Old Tin Tub (Chameleons)

Not Me! Said the Monkey (Fun-to-read Picture Books)

Ten Little Crocodiles (Jungle Fun)