books by author

Business Ethics - A Philosophical and Behavioral Approach

Look Inside a Castle (Usborne Look Inside): 1 (Look Inside Board Books)

The Fame Game: 1

The Shadow-Line (Penguin Modern Classics)
The Nigger of the 'Narcissus'

Twixt Land And Sea;Three Tales (Modern Classics)

Secret Agent: A Simple Tale (Everyman Paperbacks)

Where's God When I'm S-scared? (Little Golden Treasures)

The Rescue: A Romance of the Shallows (Twentieth Century Classics S.)

Macbeth (First Reading Level 2)

Academic Freedom

Selected Novels and Stories

An Outcast of the Islands (Twentieth Century Classics S.)

The Golden Goose (USBORNE First Reading: Level 3)

The Victorian Treasure-House


To-morrow (Penguin Little Black Classics)

Schaum's Outline of Spanish Grammar, 5ed (Schaum's Outlines)


Victory (Wordsworth Classics)

Asterix and The Missing Scroll: Album 36

The Nigger of the "Narcissus" (World's Classics S.)

Victory (English Library)

Heart of Darkness, an Authoritative Text, Backgrounds and Sources, Essays in Criticism

Great Crime Stories

Everyman History of English Literature

Lord Jim: A Tale (Classics)

Lord Jim (Oxford World's Classics)

Lord Jim