books by author

Searchlights for Spelling Year 4 Photocopy Masters

Start Reading Ten Tiny Teddies

Searchlights for Spelling Year 2 Teacher's Book

I-read Pupil Anthology Year 6 Non-Fiction

I-read Pupil Anthology Year 4 Non-Fiction

I-read Pupil Anthology Year 4 Fiction

I-read Pupil Anthology Year 4 Poetry

The European Parliament (Longman Current Affairs)

Kit and the Lady Kate (Key Stage 2 S.)

My Grandmother's Motor Bike: Story Writing in the Primary School

Special Educational Needs in the Twentieth Century: A Cultural Analysis (Institute of Education)

Fairy Tales

One Cool Cat


Gender (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics)

High Hopes: My Autobiography

Greek Gods and Heroes

Moonlit Cat (Early Learning with Letts S.)

Hold Everything! (World of Difference S.)

Poems for Year 4

Jack's Yak: A Unique Journey Through Time with the Special Trees of the Lake District and Cumbria and the Remarkable Stories They Have to Tell

Through French Windows: An Introduction to France in the Nineties

Grammar Success: Level 3: Pupil's Book 3

Grammar Success: Level 3: Teacher's Guide 3

Learning for All: Further and Higher (E242 Learning for all)

Sentence Level (Year 9) (Badger Key Stage 3 Literacy Starters)

Dragon's Dinner

The Two Ronnies: Comedy Classics

Searchlights for Spelling Year 6 Teacher's Book