books by author

The Medieval World (Timelink S.)

Greece and Rome (The Legacy Of)

The Ancient World (Timelink S.)

How Do We Know Where People Came From?

The Romans (History as Evidence)

The Oxford History of Britain and Ireland: Volume 1:An Ancient Land: Prehistory-Vikings (The Young Oxford History of Britain & Ireland)

Real Romans: Digital Time Traveller

Timelines Of The Ancient World

Ration Book Recipes: Some Food Facts, 1939-54

Real Victorians (Digital time traveller)

Secret Cities

A Teacher's Guide to Using Castles (Education on Site)

Roman Times: 1 (Clues to the Past)

Real Victorians: Digital Time Traveller

Learning from Objects: A Teacher's Guide (Education on Site)

The Spirituality of Teilhard de Chardin (Fontana Library of Theology and Philosophy)

The Legacy Of Europe And The Americas

The History of Britain and Ireland

The Romans?: 37 (What Do We Know About)

The Young Oxford History of Britain and Ireland

Secret Cities (In Search of the Past S.)

Prayer of Jesus

The Celts Activity Book (British Museum Activity Books)

Prehistoric Britain Activity Book (British Museum Activity Books)

Rome and Ancient World(Illus His Wor): Rome and the Ancient World v. 2 (The Illustrated History of the World)

The Romans?: 1 (What Do We Know About)

Prehistoric People?

The Young Oxford History of Britain and Ireland

The Angels' Book (Gift to the Child)