books by author

The Celts (Penguin history)

Political Language and Rhetoric

The Poetry of Seamus Heaney

Elizabeth Bowen: The Enforced Return

What Happened on Floor 34?: The absolutely shocking new crime thriller for 2023 with twist after jaw-dropping twist
why people live in societies

WJEC/Eduqas Physical Education - GCSE Simplfied

O Pays, Mon Beau Peuple! (Methuen's Twentieth Century French Texts)


Mount St. Helens (The Story behind the scenery)

Through the Wall: The creepiest, bestselling psychological thriller of 2020

A Student's Guide to Seamus Heaney (Faber Student Guide)

The Baby Group: a gripping crime thriller with a twist you won’t see coming, from the bestselling author of Through The Wall

Beyoncé (Fans Celebrity Pop)

Invasion: Volume 1 (The K'Tai War Series)

The Petroleum Exploration of Ireland's Offshore Basins (Geological Society of London Special Publications)

Shark Tales: How I Turned $1,000 Into a Billion Dollar Business

High Performance Sales Organization: Creating Competitive Advantage in the Global Marketplace

Measures for Clinical Practice and Research: A Sourcebook: Volume I: Couples, Families, and Children: Couples, Families, and Children v. 1