books by author

Bridge In The Clouds

Tunnel Behind The Waterfall

Door In The Tree Tv Tie-In

Interpreting Plato Socratically: Socrates and Justice

Interpreting Plato Socratically: Socrates and Justice

The Steps up the Chimney


The Door In The Tree (Magician's House Quartet)

Bridge In The Clouds

The Story Of Brunel"s SS Great Britain: The Iron Ship

The Summer Of The Haunting (Red Fox Older Fiction)

Navigating Midlife: Using Typology as a Guide

The Secret Line

The Gondolier's Cat

Tunnel Behind The Waterfall (Red Fox Older Fiction)

The Door in the Tree (Magician's House)

The Steps Up the Chimney (The Magician's House quartet: Book 1)

The Steps up the Chimney: TV Tiein (Magician's House)