books by author

Canon EOS Rebel T5i/700D For Dummies

Doodling for Dog People: 50 inspiring doodle prompts and creative exercises for dog lovers

Canon EOS Rebel T5/1200D For Dummies

Uncle Shawn and Bill and the Almost Entirely Unplanned Adventure

The Day the Screens Went Blank

Mind Your Head

Feminist Activity Book

Doodling for Bookworms: 50 inspiring doodle prompts and creative exercises for literature buffs

Doodling for Tree Huggers & Nature Lovers: 50 inspiring doodle prompts and creative exercises for outdoorsy types

A Pug's Guide to Etiquette

The Secret Diary of Tiddles, Aged 3 3/4: An eye-opening exposé into what your cat does when you’re not there

Pig and Pug

Oxford Reading Tree TreeTops Chucklers: Level 16: The Trials of Ruby P. Baxter

It's a Punderful Life: A fun collection of puns and wordplay

A Pug's Guide to Dating