books by author

Derrida and Negative Theology

Structural Geology in Reservoir Characterization: No. 127. (Geological Society of London Special Publications)

Present Laughter: A Light Comedy in Three Acts (Modern Classics)

The Noel Coward Diaries

The Vortex (Modern Classics)

Coward Plays: 2: Private Lives; Bitter-Sweet; The Marquise; Post-Mortem (World Classics)

Plays: v. 4

The Three Musketeers (Oxford World's Classics)

The Black Tulip (Oxford World's Classics)

La Dame aux Camélias (Oxford World's Classics)

Pomp and Circumstance: A Novel (Coward Collection)

Step-by-step Guide to Cake Decorating from Australia

The Count of Monte Cristo (World's Classics S.)

"A Day in the Country and Other Stories (World's Classics S.)
Life of the Wayside and Woodland

The Grand Banks Café: Inspector Maigret #8

Oliver Cromwell (Profiles In Power)

Female Desire (Paladin Books)

Lady of the Camellias (World's Classics S.)

Classic Radio Comedy (Pocket Essentials)

Belle Du Seigneur (Penguin Twentieth Century Classics S.)

The Count of Monte Cristo (Oxford World's Classics)

Pagnol: "La Gloire de Mon Pere" and "Le Chateau de Ma Mere": v. 96 (Critical Guides to French Texts S.)

The Stuart Age: England, 1603-1714

Duras: "Moderato Cantabile": 8 (Critical Guides to French Texts S.)

Ways and Means: Play (Acting Edition S.)

A Step-by-step Guide to Cake Decorating from Australia

The Complete Book of Cake Decorating with Sugarpaste

Sin and Salvation in the World Religions: A Short Introduction (Oneworld Short Guides)