books by author

Ace the OSCE: Online Video & E-Book Library

The Dilemma of Style: Architectural Ideas from the Picturesque to the Post-modern

Revolutionary France: 1788-1880 (Short Oxford History of France)

The English Church

History of the Pilgrims' School: And Earlier Winchester Choir Schools

Democracy and Decentralisation in South Asia and West Africa: Participation, Accountability And Performance

The Windvale Sprites: 1

Fun Food and Gourmet Games

Spitfire Pilot (Transport)

An Introduction to Christian Ethics

Joker Face: Over 450 Comedians Share Their Best One-liners

The Lost Journals of Benjamin Tooth

The Sound Handbook (Media Practice)

Radio Drama

Clinical Chemistry and Metabolic Medicine, Seventh Edition

The Economist Economics (Penguin Business)

The Essentials of Key Stage 3 English

Ladies of Miller's

The Abbeys and Priories of England

In Praise of Paths: Walking through Time and Nature (Greystone Books)

Bedford College: Memories of 150 Years

Exploring Professionalism: 33 (Bedford Way Papers, 33)

Why Learn Maths?: 13 (Bedford Way Papers, 13)

Postmodernization: Change in Advanced Society

Spitfire Pilot (Transport)

The Survival Guide to Cooking in the Student Kitchen

The Windvale Sprites

International Radio Journalism (Communication and Society)