books by author
Medical Microbiology
High Endeavours: The Life and Legend of Robin Smith
Gary Player's Top Golf Courses of the World (Top S.)
All You Need to Know About Being a Trainee Solicitor: What They Don't Teach You at Law School
Invasion (HB)
Cruickshank’s London: A Portrait of a City in 13 Walks
Timeless Architecture: v. 1
Under Fire
Adventures In Architecture
The Complete Golfer's Handbook
Medical Microbiology: Practice of Medical Microbiology v. 2
USA Edition (Current Cardiovascular Drugs)
Infinite Guarantee
We're Going to Feed the Ducks!
The sun rises
Don't Dawdle Dorothy
Around the World in Eighty Treasures (Phoenix Press)
Dan Cruikshank's Adventures in Architecture
Around the World in Eighty Treasures
Brunel: The Man Who Built the World
Dan Cruickshank’s Bridges: Heroic Designs that Changed the World
French Literature and Its Background: Eighteenth Century v. 3 (Oxford Paperbacks)
Seventeenth Century (v. 2) (Oxford Paperbacks)
French Literature and Its Background: Early Nineteenth Century v.4: Early Nineteenth Century Vol 4 (Oxford Paperbacks)
Late Nineteenth Century (v.5) (Oxford Paperbacks)
French Literature and Its Background, Vol. 6: The Twentieth Century
Physical Education in Action
Old Curiosity Shop (Wordsworth Classics)
Junior Quiz Challenge (Up to Age 12)