books by author

Blue Level, 1st Wave: My Home in Trinidad (My world - red level)

Psychological Medicine: Introduction to Psychiatry

Pocket Book of Ward Information

Intermediate GCSE Mathematics: Revision and Practice (Revision & Practice)

The Cassell Spelling Dictionary (Cassell reference)

"A Day in the Country and Other Stories (World's Classics S.)

Hamlyn Guide Trees of Britain and Europe

Israel: Past & Present

Pocket Book of Ward Information

Theatre Year 1983

Algebraic Combinatorics and Computer Science: A Tribute to Gian-Carlo Rota

Encyclopaedia of Gardening

Animal Physiology: Animal Performance

Social History of Rome

Understanding Mathematics Book 2: Bk. 2

Theory of Capitalist Regulation: The U.S.Experience

Time (Into Science)

Godel, Escher, Bach

Lectures on the Electrical Properties of Materials

Introducing Philosophy: The Challenge of Scepticism

Lady of the Camellias (World's Classics S.)

Intensive Care Medicine: Vol 55, No 1 (British Medical Bulletin)

Geography: People and Environments – Landscape And Water Resources (Geography: people & environments)

Reactions and Syntheses in the Organic Chemistry Laboratory

The Rational Guide to: Building SharePoint Web Parts

Twice Shy

Short Stories from Wales (Literature for Life S.)

Old Macdonald Had a Farm: Musical Pop-up BooK

C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures, International Edition