books by author

Ocean Resources: Volume I: Assessment and Utilisation: 001 (American Univ. Pub. in Philosophy; 6)

Physics of Semiconductor Devices (Oxford Physics S.)

Textbook of Surgery

They Fight Like Devils: Stories From Lucknow During The Great Indian Mutiny, 1857-58

Wild Flowers of Britain and Northern Europe (Kingfisher field guides)

Textbook of Surgery

Textbook of Surgery

Physics of Semiconductor Devices (Oxford Physics S.)

Where to Fish 2000-2001

Wild Flowers of Britain and Europe (Green Guide)

Hamlyn Guide Trees of Britain and Europe

Waves, Atoms and Solids (Longman mathematical texts)

Kingfisher Field Guide to the Wild Flowers of Britain and Northern Europe (Field Guides)

Quantum Chromodynamics

Ocean Resources: Volume II Subsea Work Systems and Technologies: 002

The Impact of Environmental Variability on Ecological Systems: 2 (The Peter Yodzis Fundamental Ecology Series, 2)

River Flow Modelling and Forecasting: 3 (Water Science and Technology Library)

New Insights into Structural Interpretation and Modelling: No. 212: Special Publication

Statistical Demography (University Paperbacks)

Napoleon: Histoire Juniors

Decimals (Oxford Graded Arithmetic Practice)

Foundations of Physical Education and Sport

How to Think Like a CEO: 22 Vital Traits you need to be the Top Person

Trees (Larousse Field Guides)

Money (Oxford Graded Arithmetic Practice)

Critical Path Analysis: Basic Techniques

Mechanics 2 for OCR (Cambridge Advanced Level Mathematics for OCR)

Latin-English, English-Latin Dictionary (Gem Dictionaries)

Crippled Tanker