books by author

Nightingale Wood




Taste and Other Tales (Longman Fiction S.)

Dirty Beasts

The Great Automatic Grammatizator and Other Stories

Fantastic Mr Fox Storybook & CD (Fantastic Mr Fox film tie-in)

The BFG (My Roald Dahl)

Boy: Tales of Childhood

The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar And Six More

The Complete Adventures of Charlie And Mr Willy Wonka: Charlie And the Chocolate Factory; Charlie And the Great Glass Elevator

The Enormous Crocodile (Colour Edition)

Boy and Going Solo: Roald Dahl

Even More Revolting Recipes

Rhyme Stew

Going Solo

Willy Wonka's Whipplescrumptious Annual 2011

Charlie's Secret Chocolate Book


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: Roald Dahl

Global Challenges in Integrated Coastal Zone Management

Out Of This World

Fallen Star (Troll Hunters)

Dark Tower Rising (Troll Hunters)

George's Marvellous Medicine (Puffin Modern Classics)

An introduction to the mechanics of solids

Madness: tales of fear and unreason