books by author

Pandamonium (Picture Storybooks)

Dan Lloyd's Book of Basketball

Case Studies in Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management

Explaining Culture: A Naturalistic Approach

Transitioning: Leading Your Church Through Change

Title: Frommers Irreverent Guide To Chicago

Wizards of Waverly Place the Movie: The Junior Novel (Wizards of Wverly Place: The Movie!)

The Passenger (Read On)

Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot: 1

Buying & Running a Guesthouse or Small Hotel: Make a Fresh Start and Run Your Own Guesthouse

Wartime Origins and the Future United Nations (Global Institutions)

Origin: Dan Brown: 5 (Robert Langdon)

Decisive: How to Make Better Decisions

Lonely Planet: Moroccan Arabic Phrasebook

Lord, Let Me Give You a Million Dollars

Invasion (HB)

Fiddle City

Putting the Boot in


The Terror: the novel that inspired the chilling BBC series

Kids Take the Stage: Helping Young People Discover the Creative Outlet of Theater

GCSE in a Week: Chemistry (Revise GCSE in a Week S.)

The Meditations: Rene Descartes (Philosophy in Focus)

Kamala's Way

Moving to VB.NET: Strategies, Concepts, and Code (.NET developer series)

Eclipse: Building Commercial-Quality Plug-ins

Cruickshankâs London: A Portrait of a City in 13 Walks

Doug Unplugged

Breaking Through in Prayer