books by author

Methods and Tastes in Modern Continuum Mechanics: To the Memory of Donald E. Carlson

Children’s Rights and the Capability Approach: Challenges and Prospects: 8 (Children’s Well-Being: Indicators and Research, 8)

Handbook of Palaeodemography: 2 (INED Population Studies, 2)

Crowdsourcing Geographic Knowledge: Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) in Theory and Practice

Santa's Little Helper

The Wing of Madness: Life and Work of R.D. Laing

Tyll (German)

Machines Close-up: Record Breakers

The Beautiful Game: The infographic book of football

Inside Coreldraw! (Inside S.)

Seeing Things

What Are You Doing in My Bed? (Little Tiger Mini Hardbacks)

Experimental Formats/Experimental Packaging

The Science of Meditation: How to Change Your Brain, Mind and Body

Retour à Buenos Aires

Talk it Out: Four Steps to Managing People Problems in Your Organization

State and Society in Francophone Africa since Independence (St Antony's Series)

Witch Way Out

Oxford Reading Tree inFact: Oxford Level 4: My Dinosaur

The Ardlamont Mystery: The Real-Life Story Behind the Creation of Sherlock Holmes: 1

Moll Flanders (Collins Classics)

Virtue Ethics: A Critical Reader

Letters to Young Black Men: 10TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION: Advice and Encouragement for a Difficult Journey (Deep Church)

Ethics and Moral Philosophy (SCM AS/A2 Philosophy of Religion)

The First Civilizations: The Archaeology of Their Origins

Unofficial Roblox Annual 2022

Anselm Kiefer

The Boy Who Cried Wolf (Must Know Stories: Level 1)

Crash Course: Ethics and Human Science: Amarakone (Crash Course-UK)