books by author

David G.

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Recent Advances in Histopathology: No.17 (Recent Advances in Histopathology S.)

By Anthony MBBS FRCPath, P. P., MacSween KB MD FRCP(Edin) FRCP(Glasg) FRCP(Lond Hon) FRCS(Eng Hon) FRCS(Edin Hon) FC Path(S. Africa Hon) FlBiol FMed Sci FRSE, R. N. M., Lowe MD FRCS FRCPath FIBiol, David G.

Low Back Pain: Medical Diagnosis and Comprehensive Management

By Borenstein MD, David G., Wiesel MD, Sam W.

The Father's Book: Being a Good Dad in the 21st Century (Family Matters)

By Cohen, David G.

Le parfum des arbres: 13 façons de le respirer

By Haskell, David G., Plessy, Valentine, Roques, Eva

Linear and Nonlinear Programming: 116 (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 116)

By Luenberger, David G., Ye, Yinyu

Recent Advances in Histopathology: Volume 19: No. 19

By Lowe MD FRCS FRCPath FIBiol, David G., Underwood MD FRCPath FRCP FMedSci Professor, James C. E.

Care of Souls: Revisioning Christian Nurture and Counsel

By Benner, David G.

Applied Regression Analysis and Other Multivariable Methods

By Kleinbaum, David G., Kupper, Lawrence L., Müller, Keith E., K.E.

Practical Procedures in Accident and Emergency Medicine

By Ferguson, David G., Lord, Stuart M.

Periodontology: Colour Guide (Colour Guides)

By Heasman BDS MDS FDSRCPS DRDRCS PhD Professor, Peter, Preshaw BDS FDS RCS(Edin), Philip, Smith BDS DRD RCS(Edin) FDS RCS(Edin) FDS RCS(Eng), David G.

Moral Education in a Secular School: 22 (Ethics S.)

By Kibble, David G.

The Markan Matrix: A Literary-Structural Analysis of the Gospel of Mark

By Palmer, David G.

8080 A Bugbook: Microcomputer Interfacing and Programming

By Rony, Peter R., Larsen, David G.

Battle of Britain Diary: Story of East Kent, July-September 1940

By Collyer, David G.

Christianity at Corinth: The Quest for the Pauline Church

By Adams, Edward, Horrell, David G.

Recent Advances in Histopathology: Volume 18: No. 18 (Recent Advances in Histopathology S.)

By Lowe MD FRCS FRCPath FIBiol, David G., Underwood MD FRCPath FRCP FMedSci Professor, James C. E.

Principles of Regional Geology: 1A (Regional Geology and Tectonics)

By Roberts, David G., Bally, A.W.

Java Servlets By Example

By Williamson, David G.

Epistles Of Peter and Jude (Epworth Commentary S.)

By Horrell, David G.

Exploring Psychology in Modules (ISE)

By Myers, David G.

Wittgenstein's Philosophical Investigations: An Introduction (Cambridge Introductions to Key Philosophical Texts)

By Stern, David G.

Unsaturated Soil Concepts and Their Application in Geotechnical Practice

By Toll, David G.

Land Subsidence Analysis in Urban Areas: The Bangkok Metropolitan Area Case Study (Springer Environmental Science and Engineering)

By Zeitoun, David G., Wakshal, Eliyahu

The Newborn Child

By Vulliamy, David G.

The International Handbook of the Demography of Race and Ethnicity: 4 (International Handbooks of Population, 4)

By Sáenz, Rogelio, Embrick, David G., Rodriguez, Néstor P.

Nanomaterial: Impacts on Cell Biology and Medicine: 811 (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 811)

By Capco, David G., Chen, Yongsheng

Global Warming Gridlock: Creating More Effective Strategies for Protecting the Planet

By Victor, David G.

Ecology of Threatened Semi-Arid Wetlands: Long-Term Research in Las Tablas de Daimiel: 2 (Wetlands: Ecology, Conservation and Management, 2)

By Sánchez-Carrillo, Salvador, Angeler, David G.

Environmentally Acceptable Endpoints in Soil: Risk-Based Approach to Contaminated Site Management Based on Availability of Chemicals in Soil

By American Academy of Environmental Engineers, Linz, David G., Nakles, David V.

Field Guide to the Orca (Sasquatch Field Guide Series)

By American Cetacean Society, Flaherty, Chuck, Gordon, David G.