books by author
David I.

Clinical Surgery

The Malt Whisky Guide

Essential Neonatal Medicine (Essentials)

Kidnapping Of Edgardo Mortara (Hb)

Intellectual Property

Essentials of Neonatal Medicine

The Popes Against the Jews

Project Management for IT-Related Projects: Textbook for the ISEB Foundation Certificate in IS Project Management

Machinery of Freedom: Guide to a Radical Capitalism

Limits of the Novel: Evolution of a Form from Chaucer to Robbe-Grillet

Cases and Materials in Intellectual Property

Your Body Knows the Answer: Using Your Felt Sense to Solve Problems, Effect Change, and Liberate Creativity

Clinical Surgery (Essential Series)

Accident and Emergency Medicine: Colour Guide (Colour Guides)

Accident and Emergency Medicine: Colour Guide (Colour Guides)

Introduction to Neuropathology

Project Management Handbook

Cognitive Neuropsychology in Clinical Practice

An Introduction to Programming with Visual Basic 6.0: United States Edition (INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING USING VISUAL BASIC 50)

Introduction to Programming Using Visual Basic 2008, An (w/VS2008 DVD): International Edition