books by author
David Stewart
You Wouldn't Want to Explore with Sir Francis Drake!

Animal Builders

Gods and Goddesses

Children in Crisis: Seeking Child-Sensitive Policy Responses

The Secret Journal of Victor Frankenstein: On the Workings of the Human Body

Aboriginal Australia: A Traveller's Guide

Avoid Sailing With Francis Drake!

Avoid Being Tutankhamun! (Danger Zone)
You Wouldn't Want to Explore with Sir Francis Drake!

Control and Regulation of Stem Cells (Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology Series): No. 73

You Wouldn't Want to Be an Egyptian Mummy

You Wouldn't Want To Sail with Francis Drake! (You Wouldn't Want To Be)

You Wouldn't Want to Sail on the Titanic! (You Wouldn't Want To Be)

Top 10 Worst Creepy Egyptian Mummies You Wouldn't Want To Meet

Dinosaurs (World of Wonder)

Avoid Being a Roman Soldier (Danger Zone) (The Danger Zone)

How a Tadpole Grows Into a Frog (Amaze)