books by author


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Garfield in Space

By Davis, Jim

Bunny Book (My First Picture Gallery S.)

By Powell, Richard, Davis, Caroline

Spectral Problems in Organic Chemistry

By Davis, R., Wells, C.H.J.

Making Faces: Yes! or No?

By Davis, Caroline

Gold Stars Maths Ages 7-9 Key Stage 2: Supports the National Curriculum

By Broadbent, Paul, Davis, Rob, Connell, Tom, Malcolm, Martin, Casey, Catherine

Mastering French 2 (Macmillan Master Series (Languages))

By Neather, E.J., Rodrigues, Isabelle, Davis, M.

The Winds of God

By Davis, Raymond J.

Social Entrepreneurship What Everyone Needs to Know

By Bornstein, David, Davis, Susan

Tobacco: Production, Chemistry and Technology (World Agriculture Series): 7

By Davis, D. Layten, Nielsen, Mark T.

The Iron Hand of Mars

By Davis, Lindsey

Psychiatry: Diagnosis and Therapy (Lange clinical manual)

By Flaherty, Joseph A., Davis, John, Janicak, Philip J.

Rupert and the Yellow Elephant

By Len Collis, Jon Davis, Collis, Len, Davis, Jon

Garfield Just Good Friends (Garfield Pocket Books)

By Davis, Jim

Green Guide to Garden Wildlife Of Britain And Europe (Green Guides)

By Gibbons, Bob, Davis, John

P B Bear's Christmas

By Davis, Lee

Orlando and Florida (AA Spiral Guides)

By Gary McKechnie, Mitchell Davis, Jane Miller, McKechnie, Gary, Davis, Mitchell, Miller, Jane

Jim Morrison

By Davis, Stephen

Light at the Edge of the World

By Davis, Wade

One Virgin Too Many

By Davis, Lindsey

The Jupiter Myth: (Falco 14)

By Davis, Lindsey

A Body in the Bathhouse

By Davis, Lindsey

Venus In Copper: (Marco Didius Falco: book III): another gripping foray into the crime and corruption of Ancient Rome from bestselling author Lindsey Davis (Falco, 3)

By Davis, Lindsey

Magic Time Workbook 2

By Puchta, Herbert, Gerngross, Gunter, Davis, Robin, Holzmann, Christian

Magic Time Student's Book 1

By Puchta, Herbert, Gerngross, Gunter, Davis, Robin, Holzmann, Christian

Magic Time Activity Book 1

By Puchta, Herbert, Gerngross, Gunter, Davis, Robin, Holzmann, Christian

Magic Time

By Davis, Gerngross, Holzmann, Puchta

Return of Martin Guerre

By Davis, Natalie Zemon

Walking and Eating in Tuscany and Umbria: Revised Edition

By Lasdun, James, Davis, Pia

Civil War Times Illustrated Photographic History of the Civil War Vol I: Fort Sumter to Gettysburg: 1

By Davis, William C., Wiley, Bell Irvin

Samaki: Story of an Otter in Africa

By Davis, Joseph A.