books by author

Two Faces of Economics

Starting with Sculpture (How to Do it S.)

Medicine for Edexcel - an SHP study in development

Managing Change, Creativity and Innovation

Confucius (Past Masters S.)

Monotremes and Marsupials: no. 150 (Studies in Biology)

The Cambridge Companion to Jung

Taking Our Cities for God

Daughters of Eve and other new short stories from Nigeria: 2 (World Englishes Literature)

What's in the River? (Solos) (Solos S.)

All Earth Is Waiting: Good News for God's Creation at Advent

Vikings (History Starters S.)

Teaching General Certificate of Secondary Education Science (Teaching GCSE)

Basketball (Sport for All S.)

Learn Together History: In And Around Town: A Chronological Study From The Romans To Modern Times: 3 (Piccolo Learn Together S.)

Watch Me Disappear

Kinetics and Mechanisms of Reaction (Study in Science S.)

OCR GCSE Additional Applied Science: Exam Practice Workbook (Lonsdale Exam Practice Workboo)

Wonderland: The London Collection

Isoscapes: Understanding movement, pattern, and process on Earth through isotope mapping

Broad Scale Coastal Simulation: New Techniques to Understand and Manage Shorelines in the Third Millennium: 49 (Advances in Global Change Research, 49)

Entrapment Neuropathies

The Upstairs People

Matt Dawson: Nine Lives

Raising Adam: Why Jesus Descended into Hell

Smart but Scattered Teens: The "Executive Skills" Program for Helping Teens Reach Their Potential

Growing Up Again: Parenting Ourselves, Parenting Our Children

A Handbook for Horticultural Students

Young Oxford History of Britain & Ireland: 4 Empire & Industry 1700 - 1900 (to be Split)