books by author

Say Hello to the Sun

A Faith for Life (A Lion book)

Managing the Professional Development of Teachers (Developing Teachers & Teaching S.)

Biopsy Pathology of the Oesophagus, Stomach and Duodenum (Biopsy pathology series)

Finishes (Collins Good Wood)

Modern Art in English Churches

Living with Diabetes - Not Treated with Insulin

Selected Poems (Classics)

Economic Development as an Adaptive Process: The Green Revolution in the Indian Punjab

Check it - Do it!: Checklists for Business

Taiga (Biomes Atlases)

True Tales of Environmental Madness

A to Z of Tolkien

Jamton Cally Paynter (The Jamton stories)

Advanced Immunochemistry

Pea's Book of Best Friends

Easy Magic (Let's Make Magic S.)

London Born: A Memoir of a Forgotten City

Tolkien, The Illustrated Encyclopaedia

A Guide to Tolkien: A-Z

Field Guide to Atmosphere (Peterson Field Guides)

Alvis: Story of the Red Triangle

Alvis: The Story of the Red Triangle (Foulis Motoring Book)

Complete Book of Tools

The Finance Director's Guide to Purchasing Leasing

The story of London's underground

Conquest: How Societies Overwhelm Others

Granny Fairy and Grandma Witch (Bugs)

Children of Mars