books by author

Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases

Large-Scale Regional Water Resources Planning: The North Atlantic Regional Study: 7 (Water Science and Technology Library, 7)

Complete Dictionary of Shakespeare Quotations

Polymer Latices: Science and technology Volume 1: Fundamental principles
Roget's Thesaurus
Roget's Thesaurus

Dictionary of Quotations and Proverbs

Regionalisation in Africa

The BackSmart Fitness Plan

English Language: Ordinary Level (Rapid Revision Examination Practice)

Tropical Rain Forests (Environmental systems)

English: Bk. 2 (Multiple Choice 'O' Level S.)

Tropical Savannas: Characteristics and Development (Environmental systems)

Design and Development of the Avro Lancaster

China: The Land and the People

Polymer Latices: Science and technology Volume 2: Types of latices

Technician Structure and Properties of Metals: Level 2 (Cassell's TEC series)

Background to Geography

Emulsion Polymerization: Theory and practice

Polar Ice and Periglacial Lands: Characteristics and Development (Environmental systems)

Chemical Principles of Environmental Pollution

Basic Geography

Climate, Soils and Vegetation

Introduction to Magnetism and Magnetic Materials

Engineering (v. 1) (Practical Maintenance and Equipment for Hoteliers, Licensees and Caterers)

Developments in the Theory of Turbulence

Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar": Literature Notes and Examples

Key Stage 2 (National Curriculum Project Books)

English: Key Stage 2 (National Curriculum Project Books)