books by author


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Business Law

By Keenan, Denis, Riches, Sarah

Improving Classroom Behaviour: New Directions for Teachers and Pupils (Special needs in ordinary schools series)

By Mongon, Denis, Hart, Susan

Pathways to Literacy (Year 3/Stage 4) – The Brave Sea Captain: Set C Reader (Collins Pathways S.)

By Bond, Denis

The Music of Life: Biology beyond genes

By Noble, Denis

Beyond Belief: Science, Faith and Ethical Challenges

By Denis Alexander, Robert White, Alexander, Denis, White, Robert

Rome (Evergreen Series)

By Montagnon, Denis, Roland, Benoit

My Secret Planet

By Healey, Denis

Illustrated History of Modern Europe, 1789-1974

By Richards, Denis

Prehistoric Art and Civilization (Discoveries Series)

By Vialou, Denis

AQA Law for AS, 4th Edition

By Martin, Jacqueline, Lanser, Denis

Edward VII: A Pictorial Biography (Omega Books)

By Judd, Denis


By Rixson, Denis

Le poids du temps nouvelles

By Seiler, Lutz, Denjean, Denis, Müller, Uta

Inference and Prediction in Large Dimensions: 805 (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)

By Bosq, Denis, Blanke, Delphine

Foundations of Primary Teaching

By Hayes, Denis

Rebuilding the Matrix: Science and Faith in the 21st Century

By Alexander, Denis

Hostage Tower (Collins English Library ELT Readers - Level 4 - Intermediate)

By Denis, St. John, Maclean, Alistair, Jones, Lewis

British Raj (Documentary History S.)

By Judd, Denis

English Law

By Smith, Kenneth, Keenan, Denis

The Penguin Book of English Madrigals: For Four Voices

By Stevens, Denis

The Battle of Britain: The Jubilee History (Coronet Books)

By Hough, Richard, Richards, Denis

The Boer War

By Judd, Denis, Surridge, Keith

Photoshop Elements 3: Top 100 Simplified Tips & Tricks

By Graham, Denis

Johnny Depp: A Kind of Illusion

By Meikle, Denis

The New Grove Italian Baroque Masters: Monteverdi, Frescobaldi, Cavalli, Corelli, A. Scarlatti, D. Scarlatti, Vivaldi (New Grove Composer Biography S.)

By Arnold, Denis, etc.

Death's Men: Soldiers Of The Great War

By Winter, Denis

Train Dreams

By Johnson, Denis

Hostage Tower (Alistair MacLean’s UNACO)

By Denis, John, Maclean, Alistair

Hosanna!: An Easter Musical for Children

By O'Gorman, Denis, Hart, Barry

Punctuation (Piccolo Practice Together S.)

By Ballance, Denis