books by author
Department for Education and Skills
Supporting Children with Gaps in their Mathematical Understanding Wave 3 Mathematics
The National Literacy Strategy Phonics
Opportunity and Skills in the Knowledge-Driven Economy: A final statement on the work of the National Skills Task Force from the Secretary of State for Education and Employment
Developing a National Skills Strategy and Delivery Plan: Underlying Evidence
Developing a National Skills Strategy and Delivery Plan: Progress Report
The National Numeracy Strategy Mathematical Vocabulary
Key Stage 3 National Strategy Year 7 Spelling Bank
Moving On...
the literacy, numeracy and key stage 3 transition from year 6 to year 7 English

Self-study Materials for Supply Teachers - Core Subjects in Primary Schools


elf-study Materials for Supply Teachers: Filling The Gaps
Letters and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
Letter and Sounds: Principles and Practice of High Quality Phonics
The National Numeracy Strategy Guidance to Support Pupils with Specific Needs in the Daily Mathematics Lesson

Self-study Materials for Supply Teachers - Classroom and Behaviour Management
Mathematical Vocabulary
Mathematical vocabulary
the national numeracy strategy
the literacy, numeracy and key stage 3 transition from year 6 to year 7 English
The national literacy strategy - further literacy support - teacher's book
The National literacy and numeracy strategies - management guide
early literacy support programe
Year 2 and Year 3 Planning Exemplification and Spelling programme
The National Literacy Strategy Further Literacy Support Resource Pack
Media and activity sheets for resource materials business
Continuing Professional Development media business
Continuing professional development guide Business