books by author

The Assessment of Special Educational Needs: Whose Problem? (Effective Teacher, The)

Propagation (Collins Garden Guides)

Flagship Historymakers – Disraeli (Flagship Historymakers S.)

Teaching English to Immigrants (Education Today Series) (ESOL)

Basic Community Laws

Arts Management, 2E, Chong

Physiology of Cotton

Proust as Musician

Flagship Historymakers – Lenin (Flagship Historymakers S.)

Collins Frontline History – Russia 1905–1941

Endgame Vol.1: The Problem of Civilization

Financing Renewable Energy Projects: A guide for development workers

On the Launch Pad: A Counting Book about Rockets (Know Your Numbers)

Realising Homoeopathy: Rational Art of Healing

Time to Fly: Memoirs

Doctor Knickerbocker and Other Poems (Learning Resources: Rudolf Steiner Education)

The Substantive Law of the European Economic Community

Faces at the Bottom of the Well: The Permanence of Racism

Unseen Vogue: The Secret History of Fashion Photography

Flagship History (6) – Britain 1914–2000

Collins Frontline History – United States 1918–1941

Britain 1945–2007: Complete coverage of topics from Winston Churchill to Gordon Brown for the new 2008 specification for AS and A2 History (Flagship History)

Europe 1870–1991: The best-selling and trusted name in AS and A-level History! (Flagship History)

Chronicle of the 20th-Century Hb

United States 1917–2008: Coverage from the First World War to George W Bush for the new 2008 specification for AS and A2 History (Flagship History)

Basic Community Laws

Sixties Spotting Days Around the Eastern Region

Dump Your Toxic Waist!: How to Lose Inches, Beat Diabetes and Stop That Heart Attack (Class Health)

Stop That Heart Attack! (Class Health S.)