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The Assessment of Special Educational Needs: Whose Problem? (Effective Teacher, The)

By Galloway, David M., Armstrong, Derrick, Tomlinson, Sally

Propagation (Collins Garden Guides)

By Derrick, Tony

Flagship Historymakers – Disraeli (Flagship Historymakers S.)

By Dicken, Mary, Murphy, Derrick

Teaching English to Immigrants (Education Today Series) (ESOL)

By Derrick, June

Basic Community Laws

By Rudden, Bernard, Wyatt, Derrick

Arts Management, 2E, Chong

By Chong, Derrick

Physiology of Cotton

By Stewart, James McD., Oosterhuis, Derrick, Heitholt, James J., Mauney, Jack R.

Proust as Musician

By Nattiez, Jean-Jacques, Puffett, Derrick

Flagship Historymakers – Lenin (Flagship Historymakers S.)

By Murphy, Derrick, Derick

Collins Frontline History – Russia 1905–1941

By White, Jonathan, Murphy, Derrick

Endgame Vol.1: The Problem of Civilization

By Jensen, Derrick

Financing Renewable Energy Projects: A guide for development workers

By Gregory, Jenniy, Silveira Dr., Semida, Derrick, Anthony, Cowley, Paul, Alinson, Catherine, Parish, Oliver

On the Launch Pad: A Counting Book about Rockets (Know Your Numbers)

By Dahl, Author Michael, Shea, Denise, Alderman, Derrick

Realising Homoeopathy: Rational Art of Healing

By Derrick, K C.

Time to Fly: Memoirs

By Cobham, Sir Alan J., Derrick, Christopher

Doctor Knickerbocker and Other Poems (Learning Resources: Rudolf Steiner Education)

By Grell, Jane, Smith, Derrick

The Substantive Law of the European Economic Community

By Wyatt, Derrick, Dashwood, Alan

Faces at the Bottom of the Well: The Permanence of Racism

By Bell, Derrick

Unseen Vogue: The Secret History of Fashion Photography

By Derrick, Robin, Muir

Flagship History (6) – Britain 1914–2000

By Murphy, Derrick, Staerck, Gillian, Goodlad, Graham, Fowler, Simon, Institute of Contemporary British History (University of London), The

Collins Frontline History – United States 1918–1941

By Murphy, Derrick

Britain 1945–2007: Complete coverage of topics from Winston Churchill to Gordon Brown for the new 2008 specification for AS and A2 History (Flagship History)

By Murphy, Derrick, Walsh-Atkins, Patrick

Europe 1870–1991: The best-selling and trusted name in AS and A-level History! (Flagship History)

By Morris, Terry, Murphy, Derrick

Chronicle of the 20th-Century Hb

By Mercer, Derrick, derrick-mercer

United States 1917–2008: Coverage from the First World War to George W Bush for the new 2008 specification for AS and A2 History (Flagship History)

By Murphy, Derrick, Cooper, Kathryn

Basic Community Laws

By Rudden, Bernard, Wyatt, Derrick

Sixties Spotting Days Around the Eastern Region

By Derrick, Kevin

Dump Your Toxic Waist!: How to Lose Inches, Beat Diabetes and Stop That Heart Attack (Class Health)

By Cutting, Derrick

Stop That Heart Attack! (Class Health S.)

By Cutting, Derrick, Maddocks, Peter, Clarke, Michele

The Fisherman's Friend

By Tidy MBE, Bill, Geer, Derrick