books by author
Diana Hendry
The Very Noisy Night

Happy Old Birthday, Owl

Rainbow Watchers
Hetty's First Fling
Moment for Joe

Harvey Angell Beats Time

The Crazy Collector

Sam Sticks and Delilah

Wonderful Robert and Sweetie-Pie Nell

The Very Snowy Christmas
Watt is he?

Harvey Angell
Harvey Angel
Fiona Finds Her Tongue
Sam Sticks and Delilah

Xthing in a Box Bk People

Harvey Angell

The Very Busy Day (Little mouse, big mouse)

Harvey Angell
The Very Snowy Christmas

The Very Noisy Night (Little Tiger Mini Hardbacks)
The Very Noisy Night
the not - anywhere house

Fiona Says (Storybooks)

Kid Kibble (Racers)

Thing-on-two-legs (Jets)

What's for Dinner? and Other Stories (Knight Books)

The Awesome Bird (Red Fox middle fiction)