books by author

Practical Biology

Biology at a Glance

The Greeks and the Irrational

Global Geopolitics: A Critical Introduction

American Northwest: History of Oregon and Washington

Bacteriology Illustrated

Elizabeth Hen

Big Picture Bioethics: Developing Democratic Policy in Contested Domains: 16 (The International Library of Ethics, Law and Technology, 16)

Early Nutrition and its Later Consequences: New Opportunities: Perinatal Programming of Adult Health - EC Supported Research: 569 (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 569)

This Is My Night: 17 (Me and My World)

The Greeks and the Irrational (Sather Classical Lectures): 25

Elizabeth Hen (Picture Lions S.)

Plato Gorgias (Clarendon Paperbacks): A revised text, with Introduction and Commentary

Wake Up, Dad!

Seasons (Early Worms S.)

Charles Tiger (Picture Lions S.)

Experiments in Plant Tissue Culture

Early Worms:Days of the Week

Early Worms:My Night (My World)

Pagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety: Some Aspects of Religious Experience from Marcus Aurelius to Constantine (The Wiles Lectures)

Life with Loopy

Drugs in Use: Case Studies for Pharmacists and Prescribers (Dodds, Drugs in Use)

Convivencia: Jews, Muslims, and Christians in Medieval Spain

CVs and Interviews Made Easy

Little Train

Drugs in Use: Clinical Case Studies for Pharmacists

Crocodile Tears: Animal Stories for the Very Young (Stories for the Very Young S.)
Human Histology

Sarah Bulldog (Picture Lions S.)