books by author

Big Farm Animals (First Discovery Series)

Mastering Rubik's Cube

The Sun and Inner Planets (Planetary exploration series)

American Football Rules in Pictures

Nil Nil

Traditional Embroidered Animals

The Legend of Shrek

Soccer (Play the Game) (Play the Game S.)

Muhammad Ali: The Glory Years

Football Maths: Purple Strip



Catherine of Siena: A Passionate Life

Harrow Past and Present

The Life And Death Of Planet Earth: How science can predict the ultimate fate of our world: How the New Science of Astrobiology Charts the Ultimate Fate of Our World

White Cargo: The Forgotten History of Britain's White Slaves in America


The Two Koreas

New York (Berlitz Pocket Travel Guides)

Communication (Spotlight Series)

Figures in a Bygone Landscape: A Lancashire Childhood

Polar Animals (Discovery S.)

Introducing Maori Culture

The Names (Picador Books)

Drawing Buildings

Meaning of it All in Everyday Speech


1 Peter (Book by Book)

Lonely Planet Guide to Travel Writing (Lonely Planet General Reference)