books by author
Credit for Small Farmers in Developing Countries
Name Above All Names
Storyteller - The Life of Roald Dahl
The Insider's Guide to Florida (Insider's guides)
Men's Health
Barbra: Biography of Barbra Streisand
Battle of the Power Ring (Justice League: I Can Read!, Level 2)
Shell International Encyclopaedia of Golf
Expert Systems in the Microelectronic Age
Not Just for the Boys: Why We Need More Women in Science
Rhett Butler's People
Mark as a Story: Introduction to the Narrative of a Gospel
How Life Begins (Bk. 2) (Biology for the Individual)
Biology for the Individual: How Life Begins. Tchrs' Bk. 2
Puritans and Revolutionaries: Essays in Honour of Christopher Hill
Classic Babe: Oops, Pig! (Picture Puffin S.)
Supplement (Biochemistry)
The Souls of Black Folk: With the Talented Tenth and the Souls of White Folk (Penguin Classics)
Some Kind Of Madness
Asking for Trouble: The Autobiography of a Banned Journalist
The Pocket Book of Pub Quizzes: Tricky Teasers to Test and Try Your Teams
Stokes Guide to Observing Insect Lives
Priorities for the Church: Rediscovering Leadership and Vision in the Church
Chronicles of the Middle Ages - A Survey of European History and Culture
Biochemistry: Solutions Manual
Calling for Action: An Autobiographical Enquiry